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Helping Your Child Adjust To Glasses

March 8, 2016

Getting glasses when you are young can be a difficult adjustment for any child. Helping children adjust properly and love their glasses may be difficult, but it can make all the difference!

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Helpful Winter Eye Care Tips

February 12, 2016

When the snow and cold of winter begin to roll in, we often take steps to protect ourselves from the impending cold and flu season. But it may surprise you to know that the cold of winter may have a few potential risks in store for our vision as well.

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3D Entertainment And Our Eyes

February 5, 2016

While some people are die-hard 3D moviegoers, others struggle to see the characters come to life and leap off the screen.

Read More Author: Vision Source


Indoor Tanning Is Gambling With Your Vision

February 5, 2016

Indoor tanning beds are infamous for their dangerous effects on skin. What most people don't realize is that the very thing in tanning beds that causes skin cancer (ultraviolet radiation) can also damage your vision.

Read More Author: Vision Source